2008年9月28日 星期日

Color Therapy

Nowadays, we know that colors can dramatically affect our health and even our emotions!!

From a research, different color has different medical effect.

RED stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, excites sexual glands. It energizes the first chakra (coccyx). It warms us and awakens us physically and energizes our blood. It is a good color to wear when we have colds and poor circulation. Too much red can over stimulate and make some illnesses worse. High blood pressure is an indicator of too much red energy in the body. It is a color for war, prosperity, fire, and rising sun. Spiritually it is the root color of fire and connects us to our physical self.

ORANGE is the color of joy and wisdom. It affects the second chakra (sacral). It gives an energy, stimulates appetite and it is a good color for illnesses of the colon and digestion. Spiritually it is the color of joy. It connects us to our emotional self.

YELLOW is the solar plexus chakra. It energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite and helps in digestive problems. Spiritually it is the color of wisdom and connects us to our mental self.

GREEN affects the heart chakra. It has a calming effect and balances the nervous system. Green color is soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness. It is a good color for cardiac conditions, high blood pressure and ulcers. Since green stimulates growth, it should be avoided in cancers and other tumors. Spiritually it is the color of love and connects us to perfect love.

BLUE is the color for the throat chakra. It is a good color in respiratory illness or throat infections. Blue is calming and cooling to our system and hence, a good color to counteract hypertension. Spiritually it is the color of health and connects us to holistic thought.

INDIGO is the color for healing of the brow chakra. It is a good color for sinusitis, immunity problems, and all face problems. Too much of this color can cause depression. Spiritually it is the color of intuition and connects us to our unconscious self.

VIOLET is the color of the crown chakra. It is cleansing, strengthening, and awakening, suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment. It affects the skeletal system of the body. It is a good color for improving immunity, cancerous conditions, and arthritis. It also purifies the system and is an excellent color for headaches and migrains. Spiritually it is the color of faith and connects us to our spiritual self.

2008年9月27日 星期六

Venice Mask

When I saw these masks at first time, I was totally amazed.
There are big variety of color combinations on them.
Each one of them are so unique and carefully crafted.
People in Vernice wear them to celebrate different carnivals. Now it become a way to attract tourist.

Light colors, pale blue and pale orange, are soft and contrasting.

This one gets many colors that are from nature, fruits. They are mainly warm colors. It is delightful and funny.

The red colors combining with gold here make the mask look valued. This reminds me that traditional Chinese people loves these two colors. They believe that red could bring them good luck. I can't think of any one of celebrations of Chinese(such as wedding, Lunar New Year) does not use red, deco, food and clothing! It is a kind of cultural symbol.

This mask looks scary for me. The blending of green and white reminds me the cabbage. It feels like the cabbage mutating to a human head!

2008年9月25日 星期四

Chaotic Ana

It is a film I saw in the Summer Film Festival. It combines North African history, feminist emancipation, Oedipal underpinnings, transatlantic voyages, the Iraq war, Native American ritual, animated paintings, trashy Eurosex... many ideas inside.
The real charm of this film is that it keeps me guessing what strange turn it will take.

It's a story about a bohemian artist, Ana. I do like her costume, very colorful. It feels like the girl just make free with fabric and colors on her body, especially the headscarf. The colors used are mainly high chroma and monochromatic, or ''earth tone'', that is low intensity green and red, and brown.

She also has many other styles in this movie.

2008年9月23日 星期二

What Message Do You Send by the Colors You Wear?

We all come across color on a daily basis without paying much attention to the subtle messages we send, receive and interpret based on the colors we wear.

Here's a way to communicating with color, based on symbolism in contemporary Western societies:

The Color White
White is the sum of all other colors in the spectrum, reflects light and is considered a summer color. Wearing white keeps you cool and contrasts bright colors of spring and summer nicely. Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. Doctors and nurses traditionally wear white to imply sterility.
White can expose you to fashion faux pas, however, since lightweight fabrics in this color easily reveal visible panty lines and/or colors and patterns of underwear. Wear a thong, Spanx or flesh-toned undergarments to avoid arming standers-by with x-ray vision.
White clothes show dirt easily and are therefore much more difficult to keep clean than other colors. The no-white after Labor Day rule is a bit outdated, but getting it right requires a bit of an expert eye.

The Color Black
Black absorbs light and is hands-down the most stylish and timeless color in the world of fashion. This legendary status may be in part due to the fact that black makes people look thinner. Dramatic black is often worn by creative types, and in our commercial society black is the color of authority and power. No wonder the little black dress is the perfect number!

The Color Red
Red is the color of passion and love, and the most emotionally intense color. Red also produces a biological response, getting people all hot and bothered by quickening the pulse and increasing the breathing rate.
While red is definitely regarded as a sexy color that draws attention, red also makes the wearer look heavier and is an appetite stimulant – perhaps this explains common weight gain during the holiday season. Red can also appear confrontational – think of matadors – so avoid red when carrying out negotiations, as it may work against you.

The Color Pink
Pink is a very gentle and calming color that stimulates feelings of innocent romance, in contrast to the lusty emotions linked with red. Pale pink draws energy and relaxes making its wearers more approachable; this makes pale pink a wonderful color to wear on a date!

The Color Purple
Purple is a color rarely found in nature – a fact that instantly draws attention to anyone wearing it and sometimes makes it appear artificial. Purple has traditionally represented luxury, royalty, wealth and sophistication; purple is a color of power also has a feminine and romantic appeal, especially lighter shades.

The Color Blue
Blue is one of the most popular colors. After all, it is found so many places on our planet: from the sky to the ocean, to baby blue eyes, to the forever-fashionable blue jean. Blue usually produces the opposite emotional response of the color red; blue stimulates a chemical reaction in the body, producing feelings of peace and tranquility, so blue is the perfect shade for yoga apparel.
Fashion consultants advise wearing blue to job interviews because it has been shown to symbolize loyalty.

The Color Green
A calming and refreshing color, green represents nature. Green is easy on the eye, and studies suggest that it may even improve vision!
The color of money, dark green is masculine, and suggests wealth. Related to this message of prosperity, medieval brides wore green to symbolize fertility and fruitfulness.

The Color Yellow
The most difficult color for the eye to process, yellow can be overpowering – perhaps this is why people tend to lose their tempers and babies cry more in yellow rooms. Yellow is a cheery color, though, and does have its positive attributes: over and above attracting attention, yellow enhances concentration, which would explain its use for post-its and legal pads. It is also believed that yellow may speed up your metabolism!

The Color Orange
Wearing orange is a fantastic way to command attention. A combination of passionate red and happy yellow, orange shares moderated attributes of both colors. Like yellow, orange is intellectually stimulating, but also signifies warmth, energy, change, and health. Like red, orange is very stimulating, but orange (and especially peachy orange) is less aggressive and more soothing.

The Color Brown
Brown is an earthy color that is abundant in nature, which makes it perfect for safari styles. Shades of brown symbolize reliability and structure, so it's an ideal shade to wear in the office.

2008年9月22日 星期一

Color wheel

Just add the color wheel for the reference ofor myself!

2008年9月21日 星期日

ex. 1 - analyze color combinations

This classic tartan of Burberry uses low value color, pink, and low intensity of red to create a monochromatic color combination.
They are of the same hue. Achromatic colors, black, grey and white, is added on it.
Pale pink occupies the largest proportion here.
It is quite feminine, elegant and delightful.

Different value of pink and grey combine.
Again, monochromatic color scheme and a large proportion of pink of the same hue is adopted.
This pattern contains a higher intensity of pink than the classic Burberry tartan does.
Thus it looks even more girly.

This pattern includes different intensity of the same hue, blue, purple with high intensity red. Achromatic colors is added.
Analogic and complementary color scheme is adopted.
Large proportion of cool colors, blue and purple, is used.

The pattern uses high and low intensity of red and achromatic color, black and white.
Monochromatic color scheme is adopted.
High chroma of red makes the fabric look warm.

Large proportion of the constant intensity green combines with constant intensity blue, low intensity red and low value of yellow.
Yellow stands out.
Double complementary color scheme is adopted.